Monday 11 December 2017

Self love and self actualization

Your happiness and inner peace is unquestionably affected by the degree to which you love yourself. Self-love is a state of a mind, a belief system and a daily reminder that you are the single most important person in the world. Self-love is about putting your needs, priorities and values before anything else. You may be thinking, but isn’t this mentality egotistical and narcissistic? Well I beg to differ. This mindset is not egotistical, because if you develop and create the capacity to unconditionally love and respect yourself at all times, you will end up positively affecting your colleagues, friends and family. Once you start to love yourself, your perception opens up and you will begin to realise just how many people around you neglect their self-love and even harm themselves. You will begin to see others around you who blame themselves, hold feelings of guilt and talk down on themselves. This form of neglect can also be understood through maladaptive behaviours such as; smoking, over-eating, drinking excessively and using harmful substances. When we neglect self-love, our vibrational level of positive energy will inevitably lower.
If you don’t feel like you love and respect yourself, I ask you to consider whether you feel in full control of your life. Are other people emotionally manipulating you? Are you not ‘where you want to be’ at this point in your life? Do you ever feel like the universe is conspiring against you?
Generally, the reason we don’t love ourselves is because we lack hope, gratitude and optimism. If you don’t have an optimistic vision of the future, that is usually because you haven’t set yourself goals to achieve and dreams to become reality. When we work towards our ambitions and dreams, in the process we develop self-love along the way. Think back to a time when you were most happy; Was it when you were writing that book? Pushing yourself through the pain barrier whilst running? Taking the time out to paint or draw? Spending time with friends? Or studying for that exam? (Ok, maybe not so much that one..) When we engage in activities where we enter a state of flow, time dissolves, we become immersed in the present moment, we are also developing self-love and self-respect. We are at our best when we are creative, action-oriented and free of restrictions. It is vital we all take time out each day to do the things that make us happy, even if it means taking just 10 minutes out to escape from your busy schedule. You may or may not know your life purpose, but if you fail to address your inner creative spirit you will definitely not achieve your potential.
Self-love begins at home, creating a living atmosphere that is conducive to positivity and hope. Whether that is having a space to do the things you love, hanging up inspiring artwork and pictures, going on walks in nature, watching the sunset or even just spending more time with your loved ones. Self-love is about talking positively to yourself and to others and being grateful for every nuance life has to offer (big and small). Self-love is about providing yourself the deserved chance to better yourself each day and to enjoy the flow of whatever you choose to do.

Therefore, it is just as much about our actions as it is our thoughts which will determine the degree to which we will self-actualise in this lifetime. You can’t help others if you’re not helping yourself first. Be selfish, go out for that run, apply for that course you’ve always wanted to do or even just carry out a random act of kindness today. Make the most of the wonderful opportunities we have in this modern era and truly be the best you can be. Love yourself unconditionally and watch the world present its mysterious and beautiful nature in full viewing.