Sunday 22 October 2017

Universal Spiritual Laws: A Guide to Flowering and Sustaining your Spiritual Journey

We are all one. We are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively from different vantage points. Today 7 billion people will experience their day infinitely different to someone else. We are consciousness within the universe experiencing this form of reality in a physical body. We are the universe vibrating at a slow wave vibration, this is the illusion of material reality. We are constantly moving through space and time changing, shifting and growing. We are information processors, the data we absorb on a daily basis shapes the inner workings of our minds, we are the product of our experiences. We are the mental energy that is self-aware, the highest and most privileged form of intelligence on planet Earth.
This movement through space-time is a path we all share, from the day of conception until the moment we leave this manifestation of reality. The most intriguing part is we have free will to do and become anything we set our minds on, this is one of the universal spiritual laws; unlimited access to the imagination. Whatever you set your mind on accomplishing, it will manifest itself in this reality with work ethic, focus and complete self-awareness. The more we understand about the mental laws of the universe, the more opportunity we have to unlock our spiritual potential on this physical plane. There has never been a greater opportunity in the world than now to become extraordinary at whatever it is you set your mind on achieving. With access to the internet, unlimited books and talking to the right people we can physically mould ourselves into our soul’s aspirations. One of the most important spiritual laws of success is intention. Direct intention leads to direct manifestation. This process enables us to achieve our dreams and ambitions.
This journey requires effort, focus and persistency. This is living life without telling yourself to be motivated. This is a belief in something so life-changing and powerful to you, that when you find yourself engaging in anything other than spiritual ascension you get the feeling you are wasting time and energy. However, in order to allow this process to work and sustain, we must be gentle and be patient with ourselves, we must have faith (sometimes blind faith) and believe our intentions will take us to our desired destination. For this to flow there is one other universal spiritual law which we must take advantage of and grow from. This is the law of detachment. Detach yourself from negative thoughts/emotions, detach yourself from negative world politics, detach yourself from people who want the “old you back” and detach yourself from greed and material desires. When we free ourselves from attachment and become fluid, spiritual growth accelerates.

The spiritual journey is a case of self-love and uttermost respect for yourself principally. You will start to attract the right life when your mindset is engaged in positive and optimistic energy, this is the spiritual law to success and happiness.

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