Sunday 22 October 2017

Your Internal Dialogue and You

Language is everything, it is the world. Your personal cognitive projection of the world, your beliefs, your thoughts and the imagery you generate in your mind at its fundamental basis, is made of language and symbols. Anything you can conceivably picture in your mind’s eye right now is a word, a phrase or an utterance. If you picture a rainforest right now and see the canopy, smell the fresh water and listen to the diverse ecological system, what you are experiencing are combinations of words, sentences and phrases, even the colours are words. When we imagine a rainforest, the associated words might be; green, leaves, wildlife, cold, damp, fresh. We translate experiential awareness into language even at an unconscious level, our prefrontal cortexes are very efficient at building up our world’s through our language. So right about now you may be thinking – why should I care? Well, it’s strikingly simple yet humbling at the same time. Our world is our language, or let me rephrase – your internal dictionary of words is the limit to what you can experience, perceive and see in the world. If your internal dictionary is limited, then your ability to think, feel and perceive will also be limited. Conversely, if you have a larger and broadened vocabulary, your world will present itself as far more richer, diverse and deeper. Language is our tool for decoding data about the world and now I have said this, look around the room you are in now. What do you see? Objects, Ok, but essentially you are looking at words. Take a radiator for example, the words associated may be metal, warm, oil, comfort and perhaps white. If language is the limits to our world, then in order to expand your awareness, experiences and lifestyle me must evolve our language. What is the quickest route to this? Reading, engaging in meaningful conversations, exposing yourself to new ideas and educating yourself in general. Are there aspects in your life you want to change? Simply upgrade your language and your world opens up and reveals itself to you. Reality is literally created through our language, hopefully this has provided you something to ponder on..

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